Redundant Rocky TAAS worker shares some history

On his last day, Rocky TAAS worker Craig sent us this potted history as he shut the doors for the last time. 14-2 two

In December 1988 the Queensland Housing Commission offered to make available to Community Organisations participating in Mortgage and Rent Relief schemes a one-off grant to employ a Housing Referral Worker.

The expected duties of the Worker were:

  • To assist people locate suitable accommodation in the private rental market;
  • To assist people obtain Commission bond guarantees, rent relief and long term accommodation;
  • To assist with tenancy law advice;
  • To assist those in crisis with practical support.

Our first Housing Referral Worker was Ron Leeks with the then auspicing organisation of Rockhampton Family Emergency Accommodation Programme (FEAP).

In July 1991 the Housing Referral Worker Programme became the Housing Resource Worker Programme with the newly formed Department of Housing and Local Government. When Ron moved on to greener pastures he was replaced with Keith Mansfield and around 1996-97 the programme auspice was transferred to CQ Consumers Association at the request of the SAAP service, FEAP.

I joined in 1998 as Keith’s relief worker and did my first block of training in tenancy law at the Tenants Union of Queensland offices in Teneriffe, and what trendy offices they were 

Over the years I’ve gone from relief work to part time work to full time, guess I always was a sucker for punishment. It is with great sadness that I have to oversee the closure of a service that has worked tirelessly for almost 25 years, I’ve had to bin and shred documents almost as old as I am.

From all the past workers who have championed the cause of a fair go for tenants in Central Queensland; Ron Leeks, Keith Mansfield, Margaret Whitton, Craig Jackson, Maureen Neal, Leonie Lane, Lyn & Alex Gartlan, Debbie Willebrand and Katelyn Clements; we say…

Fare thee well and good fortune smile upon your future endeavours, the axe is falling and we will cease to be in just over two hours at 12:30 pm local time.

(Editor’s note:  the service had to close a month early because Craig found a new job.  After 14 years he was made redundant but has no access or right to a redundancy payout.  It is a far cry from the Premier’s comments last year the all public service redundancies were voluntary and everyone got big payout.  Wrong on both counts in this case) 

Rocky TAAS says goodbye

Losing their last trained worker and without funding security after June 30, the challenges were just too big for the Rockhampton TAAS.  If the State accepted the $2.5M offer of funding from the Commonwealth, maybe tenants there would still have access to specialist tenancy advice.  Here’s a final message from Rocky TAASRocky T2

Federal funds boost service for vulnerable tenants – QT

Reprinted from the Queensland Times Ipswich May 28 by Joel Gould
THE Ipswich Regional Advocacy Service (IRASI) is set to receive an extra six months of funding from the Federal Government to continue its work providing advice and advocacy services to vulnerable tenants.

Blair MP Shayne Neumann said the government would provide a $2.5 million life-raft to the LNP State Government to keep the Queensland Tenant Advice and Advocacy Services (QTAAS) going so long as it was accepted by the Premier Campbell Newman.

Mr. Neumann said the State Government’s decision to defend QTAAS was “hanging like a black cloud over the head of this vital local service”.

IRASI’s contract ends next month on June 30 and Mr. Neumann said “the decision by the LNP State Government has been short-sighted, legally senseless and economically irrational.

“This service is recognized as a core state and territory responsibility with every other jurisdiction in Australia funding tenant advice and advocacy services,” he said.

“Every day the dedicated workers at IRASI work hard to help tenants keep a roof over their head and avoid becoming homeless.

“They deserve to know what their future holds.

“QTAAS services are critical in preventing homelessness and supporting vulnerable tenants.”

Minister for Housing and Public Works Tim Mender told The QT recently that the government would be “redirecting funds from TAAS in order to provide additional social housing for our neediest Queenslanders”.

“The services provided by QTAAS are available through other government agencies like the Residential Tenancies Authority, through government-funded programs like Rent Connect and other community organisations,” he said.

Housing Minister Mander & Tenants’ Union on ABC 612

From Steve Austin's blog site

From Steve Austin’s blog site

This morning Steve Austin’s program on ABC 612 featured an piece about the tenant advice services and the offer from the Commonwealth to fund them.  Click here to listen  to Housing Minister Mander trying to explain why it is a good idea not to take $2.5M to help Queensland  battlers and the Tenants’ Union of Queensland’s response to that.

Government must put people before politics and accept TAAS funding offer – State Opposition

Government Must Put People Before Politics And Accept TAAS Funding Offer

TUESDAY 28 MAY 2013 

The Newman government has put politics before people, refusing to accept a Commonwealth offer to save the Tenant Advice and Advocacy Service with the Cairns TAAS already closed and Rockhampton TAAS to close by the end of the week.

Shadow Housing Minister Jo-Ann Miller said although the LNP government had an offer of $2.5 million in Federal funds on the table, it was determined to doom the TAAS service by playing petty political games instead of helping the thousands of Queenslanders who rely on the critical service to keep a roof over their heads. 

Mrs Miller said Housing Minister Tim Mander was showing his true cruel and callous colours by refusing to accept the offer and keep TAAS offices in regional centres throughout the state open.

“With a stroke of his pen Mr Mander can save thousands of families the anguish they will experience once this service is gone,” Mrs Miller said. 

“Instead, he chooses to play silly political games, refusing to even respond to this offer of $2.5 million which will keep TAAS offices open for the next six months. 

“That’s typical of a government that would axe this frontline service in the first place.  Continue reading

Mackay makes the news

Tenancy advice play the ultimate waiting game 
Reprinted from the Daily Mercury 27th May 2013. Read from website here.

Mackay’s Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Service’s co-ordinator Koni Johnson is worried their service will have to close.

Mackay’s Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Service’s co-ordinator Koni Johnson is worried their service will have to close. Tony Martin

KONI Johnson is playing the ultimate waiting game as her future looms in the hands of the State Government.

Ms Johnson is Mackay’s Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Service’s co-ordinator and doesn’t know if she’ll have a job after the end of next month.

Last year the State Government pulled the plug on funding for more than 20 tenancy advice services. The Federal Government stepped in with funding, which allowed the services to operate until the end of June.

Last week it announced it would provide a further $2.5 million to keep the services open for another six months, but it is unclear if the State Government will accept this funding.

If not, Ms Johnson said she and her other two staff members would be out of work, leaving Mackay’s tenants without support.

“We’re in limbo land; it’s a rollercoaster ride that is full of ups and downs,” she said. Continue reading

A supporter’s response to the Premier’s facbook team

A great response from one of our supporters to the Premier’s facebook team.

Susie:   Mr Newman, I am sorry but do you even know what it is like to be a tenant? I have been through the process. Most landlords are represented by the real estate agent, who has training in that field and has often been to QCAT numerous times before to represent their Property owners. A tenant is completely on their own. They always have to represent themselves. How is it also fair that the interest from Tenants’ Bonds funds the RTA that is there for both lessors and tenants alike? Regardless of what you CAN legally do with the money, that money exists only because tenants are made to pay a Bond on the house they stay in, even if the place is in disrepair when they move in. For many it is “live in a tip or on the streets”. What about bringing in a Landlord Bond to cover repairs and maintenance during the tenancy that tenants can access through QCAT? Continue reading