Jimmy Thomson writes in the Domain that NSW and Queensland renters are demanding more bang for their bond!. Read the article here
Tag Archives: savetaas
Qld renters one step closer to having access to tenancy advice
Today newly re-elected Independent MP for Nicklin, Mr Peter Wellington, has said he will support the Labor party to form government. Queensland Labor has committed to providing Queensland renters with access to independent tenancy advice. See the extract below from the ABC news website or read the whole article here.
Queensland election 2015: Independent Peter Wellington backs Labor in forming government
By Matt Eaton
Independent MP Peter Wellington has announced he will support Labor in forming a minority government in Queensland.
His decision comes as the outcome of last Saturday’s election remains in the balance, with Labor still at least two seats short of an outright majority.
Before you vote – know what the political parties think
You can find out what the political parties think about access to tenancy advice and other important issues for renters on the Tenants Queensland website. http://tenantsqld.org.au/know-that-the-parties-think-about-tenancy-issues-before-you-vote/
TQ welcomes Labor commitment to tenancy advice
Tenants Queensland welcomes the announcement by Labor to fund independent tenancy advice after yesterday’s announcement yesterday.
See Labor Shadow Minister, Mrs Yvette D’ath’s Facebook post from this morning
Qld Labor announces commitment to independent tenancy advice
Today the Queensland Labor Party announced its commitment to funding access to independent tenancy advice if it wins next week’s election. Read the announcement here.
They have also committed to scrapping the public housing temporary absences policy which requires allows tenants to be away from their property for 4 weeks in every year unless they fit strict criteria. The policy also requires tenants to inform the Department if they are away for more than 7 days. Labor says they will review public housing policies
Political parties responses to TQ questions – updated
Tenants Queensland has updated the tablle on their website setting out responses from the political parties to a series of questions, one being whether they support funding for independent tenancy advice.
TQ calls on all political parties to support independent tenant advice
Tenants Queensland has asked all political parties to commit to funding for independent tenant advice services. They say the increasing and on-going demand speaks for itself. Read their press release here.
They also say that the Residential Tenancies Authority has given the state government $35M in grants from tenant bond monies over the last two years. See the statistics at the bottom of the press release.
Happy International Tenants Day 2014!
International Tenants Day originated in 1986 when the French tenant organisation CNL proposed a special world day for tenants. The council of the International Union of Tenants agreed, and decided that it coincide with World Habitat Day (the first Monday in October). On this day throughout the world housing and tenancy issues are promoted and expounded. Iss…ues such as rights for tenants, affordable rental, and tenant participation in all matters related to housing highlight the universality of tenancy.
Each year, events are held across the globe to mark International Tenants’ Day and act as a prompt to tenants to be aware of their rights and for the wider community to be aware of tenancy issues.
Queensland tenants miss out on services
Reprinted from the Gold Coast Sun. Read directly on the Gold Coast Bulletin website http://bit.ly/1vsVet0
Gold Coast renters desperate for legal advice have been left high and dry after government funding for free tenancy legal rights services was removedDenis Doherty, Gold Coast Sun, October 01, 2014
THOUSANDS of disadvantaged Gold Coast renters have been left without access to legal advice after government funding for free tenancy legal rights services ran dry.
Despite a protracted battle with the state LNP government, grants for a range of tenants legal advice services were finally pulled at the end of last year.
Those closures included the Gold Coast Tenant Advice Service, which operated from Southport with an outlet at Palm Beach.
Until recently funding for the services came from the interest generated from bonds held by the Residential Tenancies Authority.
However, in 2012 the State Government cut that funding and committed it to building public housing.
While the federal government stepped in to cover the $6.4 million needed to fund the 24 services across Queensland, that funding ran out at the end of last year.
Tenants Queensland statewide co-ordinator Penny Carr said the cuts had left Gold Coast tenants in a dire position. According to the group’s records, it received about 7000 calls from the Gold Coast in the first six months of this year. Continue reading
Commonwealth announces new NPAH for 12 months
Reprinted from ABC news online. Read directly from the website here.
Homelessness agreement between states and Commonwealth extended with $115m funding promise (By political reporter Latika Bourke, 30-3-14)
A national agreement aimed at dealing with homelessness will be extended by the Federal Government for another year.
The Coalition is putting forward $115 million to extend the deal with the states, which is due to expire at the end of June.
That amount is $44 million less than what was provided by Labor, but the Government says it is not cutting funding to frontline services, only capital works.
“I reject any suggestion of cuts,” Prime Minister Tony Abbott told reporters in Sydney.
However, Labor spokeswoman Jenny Macklin says the capital works money is an important element.
“There’s less money to be spent on building houses, homes for people who don’t have them, for women and children escaping violence, for people who are living on the street,” she said.
“There’s $44 million less because of Tony Abbott cutting this funding.” Continue reading
Boarding houses come at high price for Brisbane battlers
Reprinted from the Brisbane Times. Read the whole article here.
Battlers in Brisbane’s inner-city boarding houses are now paying more rent than those living in government-subsidised crisis housing.
Major Bryce Davies, who works in the Salvation Army’s Streetlevel service in Fortitude Valley, said Brisbane’s accommodation disparity was appalling.
“The irony is that the guys who are staying in fantastic accommodation that is government subsidised are paying about $170 a week,” Major Davies said.
“Then the guy who is living in absolute squalor in a boarding houses with a door that’s falling off, is paying around $175 a week. It’s ridiculous.”
Major Davies said up to 20 people were crammed into some boarding houses, with some boarding house owners failing to keep their accommodation in good condition.
“My own experience of boarding houses is that the prices are absurd,” he said.
Read the entire article at: http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/boarding-houses-come-at-high-price-for-brisbane-battlers-20140325-35gmc.html#ixzz2x26tBOar
NSW Fair Trading cracks down on real estate trust account theft; millions stolen to pay gambling, drug debts
Reprinted from ABCnews online
A Sydney real estate agent has been jailed for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from her client’s trust accounts, as fair trading authorities crack down on what they say is a growing problem.
Louise Catherine Sultana admitted to siphoning $330,000 from the accounts of a Century 21 agency between 2010 and 2012. Read the full article here.
Utah is ending homelessness by giving people homes – Nation of Change
Reprinted from the Nation of Change
Earlier this month, Hawaii State representative Tom Bower (D) began walking the streets of his Waikiki district with a sledgehammer, and smashing shopping carts used by homeless people. “Disgusted” by the city’s chronic homelessness problem, Bower decided to take matters into his own hands — literally. He also took to rousing homeless people if he saw them sleeping at bus stops during the day.
Senate inquiry into housing affordability – have your say!
On 12 December 2013, the Senate referred an inquiry into affordable housing to the Senate Economics References Committee for inquiry and report. Submissions should be received by 25 March 2014. The reporting date is 26 June 2014.
Find out more here.
Rental prices plummet in mining and industry towns – Rockhampton Bulletin
Good news for some but not so for those locked into overpriced agreements. Read the Rockhampton Bulletin article here.