How can I help?

Dear minister letter image

Please refund TUQ & local tenant advice services

Please act quickly.  Funding to the TUQ and the local tenancy advice services will cease on December 31, 2013. If you think it’s unfair that the QLD government withdrew funding for services specifically tailored to tenants’ advice needs, especially as they are funded from tenants’ bond interest, please contact the people below by letter, email and/or phone.

To find out who your state local member of parliament is, call parliament house on 07 3406 7111, or look at


Minister for Housing and Public Works
The Hon Tim Mander  MP
PO Box 2457 BRISBANE QLD 4001
Phone: (07) 3237 1832

Fax: (07) 3012 9017
Email:  [email protected]


The Hon Tim Nicholls MP
GPO Box 611
Phone: 07 3224 6900
Fax: 07 3211 0122
Email: [email protected]


Queensland Premier
The Hon Campbell Newman MP
GPO Box 15185
Phone: (07) 3224 4500
Fax:  (07) 3221 1809
Email:  [email protected]

Letters to the editor and talkback radio are two effective ways to raise your concerns.

Local newspapers
Find your local paper at

Qld newspapers
The Courier Mail: [email protected] 
The Australian: [email protected]