Federal Govt rescues TAAS

FEDERAL funding to ensure Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Services (TAAS) continued in the region was won by the Mount Isa Community Development Association (MICDA) this week, despite the state refusing similar funding to carry out the work.

MICDA manager Alison Bohannan said her staff would be briefed by the Tenancy Union of Queensland (TUQ) tomorrow on how staff should deliver their advocacy and advice services under their management.

“The Australian government has now offered funding to provide those services through the Tenants Union of Queensland instead of the state government,” she said.

“We can still provide court support, education and awareness but we need to find out where we stand on providing advice.” Continue reading

NSW public housing tenants to be hit with spare bed tax

Reprinted from the ABC news website 26-6-13

New South Wales public housing tenants with extra bedrooms will soon be penalised with a weekly tax if they refuse to move into smaller accommodation.

From September, around 17,000 people living in public houses with extra bedrooms will be slugged with a spare bed tax if they refuse to move into smaller properties.

Singles will be charged an extra $20 per week and couples an extra $30 per week.

Community Services Minister Pru Goward says the tax will create a fairer public housing system by freeing up larger houses for families.

“If there is no suitable smaller accommodation, they don’t have to move and they don’t have to pay the charge, so it’s fair to our existing tenants,” she said.

“We have tens of thousands of families on the public housing waiting list with nowhere to live, people living in the backs of their cars with their kids, we need to get those people into public housing.”

It follows a similar policy adopted in the United Kingdom in April where public housing tenants have their benefits incrementally cut for each spare bedroom.

Letter to the editor – Wynnum Herald

This letter, written by a happy TAAS client, was printed in last Wednesday’s Wynnum Herald. TAAS will now continue operating for a further six months through the largess of the Commonwealth government.  Funding will be channelled through the Tenants’ Union of Queensland who will sub-contract local TAAS providers.  Let’s hope the long term funding issue is resolved with the State over the coming few months.

Wynnum Herald 1

Wynnum Herald 2

Kevin Rudd MP in Federation Chamber discusses homelessness and TAAS

From Hansard Federation Chamber
Thursday, 20 June 2013 Page: 81 (see last paragraph re TAAS)

Mr RUDD (Griffith) (09:40): The member for Hinkler has just informed me he will rise to speak in a minute on the passing of Mr Bernie Johnson from his electorate. In anticipation of the remarks that he will make, I would like to extend my bipartisan support for his commendation of a person who was a great Indigenous leader from the city of Bundaberg. Sadly, he passed away in the last week. Through the honourable member and through the parliament, I extend my condolences to his family and to the community.

I am speaking in the chamber this morning on the question of homelessness. This is a continuing challenge for all Australians. According to the census data, we have more than 105,000 Australians who are homeless and 44,000 are young people. Across Queensland, there are more than 19,000 people sleeping rough tonight. Of those, 8,000 are under the age of 25, 5,000 are homeless as a result of domestic violence and 750 are without a place to call home as a result of mental health challenges.

Tonight I am sleeping in the CEO Sleepout, organised by St Vincent de Paul. This is the third St Vinnie’s Sleepout that I have participated in. I will be joining hundreds of CEOs, both in Brisbane and around Australia, to raise funds for St Vincent de Paul. Last year we did so and raised $5.3 million across the country. Continue reading

….now for the long term campaign

Save Tenant Services – this has nothing to do with the campaign but we thought we’d have a Zen moment to celebrate this week’s big news and prepare for the next stage of the campaign to solve the long term TAAS funding issue with the State government! (p.s. thanks to the Gillard government for the life line)Zen moment

Breaking news – Commonwealth to fund tenant services for another 6 months!

Joint Media Release June 10
THE HON MARK BUTLER MP Minister for Housing and Homelessness
THE HON SHAYNE NEUMANN MP Parliamentary Secretary to the Attorney-General


The Gillard Labor Government today announced it would provide $2.5 million to fund the Tenant Advice and Advocacy Service of Queensland (TAAS) for the continued operation of vital homeless prevention services across Queensland.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC said the six-month funding agreement would enable 23 local advice and advocacy services to continue supporting Queensland renters and protect local jobs, while the TAAS seeks a long-term funding agreement with the Queensland Government.
“Community legal centres play an invaluable role in delivering legal services to vulnerable members of the community,” Mr Dreyfus said.

“Premier Newman cannot cut funding to organisations like TAAS and expect community legal centres to simply add their work load to the already significant work they do.”

Federal Minister for Housing and Homelessness Mark Butler said Continue reading

Hansard shows Parties urge state to accept $2.5M for TAAS

On June 6 in parliament, members of both the Labor Party and Katter’s Australian Party raised the issue of funding for tenant advice services, urging the Newman government to accept the Commonwealth’s $2.5M funding offer.  Read the Hansard record here.

Opposition Leader and member for Inala, Ms Annastacia Palaszczuk (p. 2069 last paragraph), said:

We also call on the government to pick up the phone and accept the federal government’s offer to fund the Tenant Advice and Advocacy Service. The cutting of TAAS funds is more politics from a government that is more interested in pushing Tony Abbott’s barrow than securing real outcomes for Queenslanders.

Later, member for Dalrymple, Shane Knuth (p. 2104 third paragraph), said: Continue reading

State rejects $2.5 million from the Federal Government to fund support services for tenants

Reprinted from Courier Mail today.  You can read article directly their website here and make comments at the bottom.

The Queensland Tenant Advice and Advocacy Services (TAAS) which supports 500,000 renting households, will cease operation on June 30.

The Queensland Tenant Advice and Advocacy Services (TAAS) which supports 500,000 renting households, will cease operation on June 30.

TAAS was described as valuable but unaffordable, despite it being funded from tenant bond interest and not taxpayer dollars.

In hindsight, this decision seems a knee-jerk reaction by a new government looking to make easy savings but as well as being self-funded, the program works predominantly with people in private housing to keep them housed independently.

The work is frontline and local. All of these aspects seem to align with the LNP philosophy, the direction identified by Premier Campbell Newman last year and the Queensland Commission of Audit. Continue reading

Government takes $24M in renters bond interest over 2 years

We’ve been looking the budget.  Looks like the government will rip out $24M over two years from the interest generated on private renters’ bonds.  We don’t see any funding for tenant advisory services.

Renters are still left out in the cold, but worse, they’re being prevailed on to fund the core government responsibility, not just once through taxes, but a second time through the lose of vital services.  See ‘Expenses – grants and subsidies’.
State budget

What’s changed for the State Government since last October 3?

Why doesn’t the State Government sign off to take $2.5M from the Commonwealth to help out Queensland tenants battling away in the regions?
 Last year the State government was so keen to take money and keep the valuable TAAS program going.  At the time, the Minister said, “I’d be delighted to see the Federal Government put up the cash to fund this program and the state government would be more than happy to continue to administer it.”.   What’s changed?
Read the State government press release of last October 3 here.