Action Day a resounding success!

WOW everyone, great job!! Thanks so much for supporting the 22 local and regional tenant advice services statewide and the Tenants’ Union of Queensland with your calls to reinstate the Program.

It sounds like there were plenty of calls, both the Premier and the Housing Minister.  A few people reported not being able to get through at times so had to call back later.

In Brisbane about 80 people turned up to hand in postcards to the Premier’s electorate office.  The crowd was loud, proud and polite!  We’ll get some video of it up soon. There were regional events on as well and we”ll report on these as well when we get news. We know around 200 postcards were sent to the Premier from from a town up north on the day before in the expectation that the Premier would receive them on August 28.

We also heard of a variety of responses to today’s callers. Some were told someone would or might get back to them whilst others told no one would, some had to persist for any details to be taken at all and yet others told they had to write to receive a response. The Premier recently told 612 local radio journalist, Steve Austin, that he returns every phone call, every email and every letter to his office, albeit with some turnaround time. We’ll have to see if he lives up to his word.

If you want to add what response you got to your calls in the comments section of this article, we’ll make a montage when we get a few of them.

We couldn’t have done this without your help!  Thank you all so much for valuing our services and standing up for tenants’ rights.  Stay tuned, we’ll let you know what’s next.

For those of you who haven’t sent letter yet, please do – to the Premier, Housing Minister and your local member of parliament.  This is still the main thrust of our campaign, so if you can, get your friends and family onto it too.

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