Email directly to the Premier and Treasurer

time poorTime poor? Use this direct email to ask the Premier and Treasurer to reconsider the decision not to extend funding contract to the Tenant Advice and Advocacy Services.



[contact-form-7 id=”117″ title=”Letter 01 to Premier”]

[contact-form-7 id=”2328″ title=”Letter 01 to Treasurer”]

7 thoughts on “Email directly to the Premier and Treasurer

  1. Now the Qld Govt has had a 700Million Dollar winfall from the federal Government, it’s time that they reinstate a service which ensures people have the right knowledge about their housing. Tenants vote too and with the loss of this service, allot of people no longer feel stability in their fundamental need to have a home. Take away people’s housing and you take away a massive chunk of the economy. Surely the capitalistic attitude of this government can see that?!
    And to think, not so long ago, we saw Campbell Newman’s wife as the Lady Mayoress of Brisbane advocating for the Homeless. How ironic is that?!

  2. The TAAS services is a great support to people in the community who are struggling with paying the rent, dealing with difficult landlords and just finding out their rights. Even real estate agents in disadvantaged areas see the value in continuing this service.

  3. TASS services are utilised by other organisations to support clients with housing and tenancy problems – young people, those from a refugee background, Indigenous people, people experiencing mental illness, those experiencing financial hardship.Take away this service and you increase stress, homelessness and other social problems and deny already disadvantaged people their most basic human rights.

  4. I’m not a spammer, although I have this morning been encouraged by your website to send multiple copies of the form letter to members of the State government. A great opportunity to leave a comment seemingly wasted now. Thanks. I’m on the same side as you too.

    • Good on you Bob – the Premier sees this service as a luxury. It may be a luxury for him (because I assume he does not rent) but for the 500,000 tenants that rent in Queensland it is an essential service that is not provided by the Residential Tenancies Authority.

  5. This is no better than the Cypriot government taking funds from private bank accounts.

    The money is set aside by private individuals in private tenancies to allow for some sort of help and mediation when things go wrong. Increasing public housing isn’t going to stop problems in the private sector and tenants need some sort of legal recourse which isn’t going to cost them the earth like a private solicitor would.

    Campbell Newman needs to keep his hands off this money and ensure the service remains in place.