Tenants’ Union Tasmania loses eviction battle for public housing tenants

The ABC website reported this story last Wednesday, December 5.  Unfortunately the Tenants’ Union of Tasmania were not successful in trying to save the tenancies fo a number of public housing tenants.  Even though they weren’t successful at least there is an organisation standing up for tenants rights.  Where would the community be without tenant advocates?

The Tenants Union is considering its legal options after losing a Supreme Court case in Hobart to stop the eviction of public housing tenants.

The union took legal action against Housing Tasmania after five tenants were evicted.

It argued the tenants were denied natural justice because they were served eviction notices without reasons or opportunity to appeal.

One of the cases, involving a single mother, was tested in the Supreme Court.

Justice Alan Blow found Housing Tasmania was within its rights to evict the woman because her lease had expired and was not terminated.

The judge said that meant she had no right of appeal.

The union’s Ben Bartl, says the decision is disappointing.

“It sends an appalling message to all Housing Tasmania tenants; it says that the government can simply tell tenants that their lease is not going to be extended,” he said.

“In our view the judge has made a decision that is overly legal.”

He says it sends a bad message to other public housing tenants.

See the report on line here.

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