Courier Mail scathing of Minister Flegg’s situation

Premier Campbell Newman is rallying behind Bruce Flegg, the latest LNP minister to become entangled in a scandal involving their child’s role in Government circles. Picture: Kidston Liam Source: The Courier-Mail

The Courier Mail provided extensive coverage of the situation of the Housing Minister and Premier in todays on line and print newspaper.  The articles below are written by Steve Wardill and Sarah Vogler.  Read below or click here to go to the online version.

TROUBLE-prone minister Bruce Flegg held undeclared discussions with his lobbyist son about a client just hours before claiming his office’s register of contact with the industry was accurate.

 A document detailing all contact between Jonathon Flegg and his father’s Public Works and Housing ministerial office has exposed how the pair exchanged emails about Viking Rentals, a company that promotes “dunnies with dignity”, from October 3.

Compiled by Mr Flegg Jr and released yesterday by the minister’s sacked media adviser Graeme Hallett, the document reveals the pair continued to exchange emails with the subject line “Discuss Viking Rental” until October 18.

 This is the same date Dr Flegg released his office’s register of contact with lobbyists during a Budget estimates committee hearing and declared the document “very accurate” despite the undeclared contact with his son and not having previously seen it.

 The revelation Dr Flegg tabled an inaccurate document, will place further pressure on Premier Campbell Newman to sack the minister.

Flegg fiasco has Newman looking like a hypocrite

SPARE a thought today for former police minister David Gibson.

The Gympie MP was forced out of the ministry by Premier Campbell Newman because of his appalling record behind the wheel, including driving without a licence.

Gibson’s position as a police minister facing such an offence, despite it occurring before he was sworn in, was untenable.

Newman acted and came off looking like a strong leader.

 It was in stark contrast to his predecessor as premier who protected rather than prosecuted wrongdoers in Labor’s ranks.

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