Today the Tenants’ Union of Queensland (TUQ) confirmed that they will not be funded by the state government to represent the interests of tenants in the current review of tenancy law. This means there is no specialist tenant advocate supported to participate in the review.
The TUQ report that a door has been left open by the government for future negotiations, one which they say they will eagerly pursue. However, the decision by the State, means there is no longer any of the millions of dollars worth of interest generated on tenants’ bonds provided for specialist tenant services in Queensland. Read the TUQ press release here.
While I am disappointed, I find that I am not totally surprised. This Newman led Govt seems to think that landlords in Qld are all perfect, and never do a single thing which negatively affects a tenant, so they simply don’t need any legal help.
Karma is a B@#$ch Mr Newman, one day you just may find that what you put out there, comes back to bite you in the proverbial.
How do we know what the changes will be and how do tenants protect themselves if needed, especially our Senior Citizens.
The liberal govt. well what more needs to be said, are they doing anything except taking jobs from people our essential emergency services,nurses, govt employees