State gov’t to continue funding for Home Assist Secure

Congratulations Home Assist Secure, very good news! The following is yesterday’s  press release from State Housing Minister Mander’s office.  The state will continue to fund Home Assist Secure, a program that helps people remain in their private homes – owner occupied or private rental (see second last paragraph) and off the social housing wait list.  Sounds familiar to us because TAAS services assist private renters stay more safely and securely housed, reducing social housing demand.  Only difference is that TAAS is self funded by a small percentage of consumers’ bond interest!  Keep up the good work Home Assist Secure!

Home Assist Secure program to continue – Press Release
Minister for Housing & Public Works The Hon Tim Mander

Housing and Public Works Minister Tim Mander has announced the Home Assist Secure program will continue to be funded throughout 2013–14.

The program provides funding to improve the lifestyle of elderly and disabled residents living in privately-owned accommodation.

Mr Mander said almost $18 million will be allocated to service providers in 41 locations around Queensland.

“The program provides subsidised assistance to people over 60 and those with a disability to help with minor home maintenance, repairs and modifications that relate to health, safety and security,” Mr Mander said.   

“The Home Assist Secure program plays an important role in helping people to keep their existing housing arrangements rather than prematurely needing higher cost housing support from the Government such as public housing.

“As at 30 April 2013, the program had assisted 56,000 households and delivered more than 183,000 individual services during 2012­–13.”

Mr Mander said the Newman Government was committed to ensuring Home Assist Secure is delivering value for money and operating in an effective and efficient manner.

“For 2013­–14, the Department of Housing and Public Works will make some minor adjustments to the program guidelines to better target services,” he said.

“These adjustments include a clearer definition of the eligibility criteria and clarity around services such as yard maintenance.

“We’ve also removed the overlap between the Home Assist Secure program and the Queensland Community Care program by clarifying roles and responsibilities.

“The department will work with Home Assist Secure providers to ensure they are fully aware of the changes before 1 July so that they can continue delivering this important service.

“The benefits of the program are felt across Queensland by reducing the pressure on homelessness services and public housing, while at the same time improving people’s quality of life.”

Mr Mander said HAS, together with a range of other programs, will form part of his housing strategy, which aims at ensuring better targeting of services and funding for additional accommodation to help Queenslanders in need.
[ENDS] 21 May 2013

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